Ok so I have to make my subject selections for year 11 and 12 this weekend and I AM DYING. Last year I wanted to do architecture or interior design but now, after loads of research, my mind has changed completely. I want to do teaching. Not for the money or the ranking, or for people to see me as someone better than I actually am. This is something I'm seriously passionate about. But my mum thinks otherwise.

Tomorrow's my last day to choose my subjects for next year and my choices determine what uni I'll get into and what career I'm going to take. My mum and I are currently on hate-mode since I've become a teen, so obviously she'll disagree with my dream. Apparently I should do accounting or engineering and she's been trying to convince me to change my mind. But my mind is stuck. 

Now my mum's beyond disappointed and usually I wouldn't care but THIS IS MY CAREER. Even though I hate my mum right now, I don't want her to be disappointed with me. For god's sake, she's even EMBARRASSED of me. So embarrassed that she won't take me to Phillipines because 'I'm too embarrassing to be intorduced to her family'. Hearing something like that hurts. A LOT. I hate knowing that my mum hates me. But she's stopped being a parent to me now.

At least I still have my dad though. He's the one I talked to about my subject selections and he's the one that helped me choose my career. He lets me be a kid again and respects my decisions. He's someone I can turn to about ANYTHING, even guys. Without him and my brother, I don't know how I'd survive in this household.

8/11/2012 01:30:37 pm

wow that reminds me of how i used to be back when i was in school. Subject selections were hard and I only chose what my parents told me to choose. i regret it so much.
Trust me, you're not doing anything wrong. Just go with what you think is right because it most probably is :) And the issue with your mum, dont worry about that either because it'll pass soon.

Stay strong! :)

8/11/2012 01:35:20 pm

Thanks for the advice :D I'll be sure to go with what my mind tells me to do. It's nice to know that there are people on my side :)


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