So remember about my friend Julie crushing on her friend? Well yeah, yesterday she told me that it was all a lie. A freaking lie. Well not really, she just kind of re-enacted what happened before.

So it all seems a bit confusing now so let me explain.Julie did like her friend but that was months ago and she didn't tell anyone. She got over the whole phase but decided to tell me recently and make it seem like she liked her AT THAT TIME. She's a drama student so I guess its not surprising that I actually fell for it. But come on, WHY WOULD YOU RE-ENACT SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE?!

I obviously tried to be all cool about it and joke around a bit, but inside I was pretty annoyed. It kind of makes me think that maybe all that heart-to-heart stuff she said to me was a lie too. That day I told her about how I used to cut myself and I'VE NEVER TALKED ABOUT IT TO ANYONE FROM SCHOOL. She's my friend and I'm trying to be all cool about it but I can't. I have trust issues so to tell her about things that I haven't tod anyone else (except probaby one person) and then find out that for a good whole month she's been ACTING to me? I am pissed.

And Andi (Leo's sister) is still in hospital. She hasn't changed since she went in. Leo is by her side whenever he can so I haven't really seen him around and Annie visits her often. I want to go see her but I can't really do that. So Annie just calls and tells me whats happened. The doctors said it'll be a short coma hopefully but it's been two-three days
and I haven't seen her so I'm worried as hell.

But anyhooo it's like 6 o'clock on a Saturday morning and I should be getting some sleep but Im busy talking to my friend's ex because he still likes her >>. I need to catch up on sleep too, so I'll try getting some z's. Bye bye :3
